14 Jul 2021

Statement on the ‘Fit for 55’ Package

The imminent release of the European Commission’s ‘Fit for 55’ regulatory package consolidates Europe’s ambitious fight against climate change, building on the Climate Law adopted earlier this year and aiming at achieving carbon-neutrality by 2050 through adopting a general 55% GHG emissions reduction target for 2030.

While signifying a key step towards achieving these climate goals, the legislative proposals within the ‘Fit for 55’ and the overarching Green Transition ought to ensure a fair, just and inclusive journey for all, acknowledging the meaningful trajectory of liquid gas in contributing to this transition and the socio-economic and environmental opportunities that can be harnessed by deploying liquid gas as part of the future energy-mix.

Liquid Gas Europe, as the voice of the European LPG industry, is committed to support the ambitious climate and energy goals set by the EU for 2050, having pledged to meet LPG’s demand by 2050 entirely with bioLPG, the renewable LPG pathway.

The golden triangle: Sustainability, health and technology neutrality

Looking ahead, in order for the successful adoption of the Fit for 55 Package, our industry calls upon the European Commission to address the need to deliver a sustainable, cost-efficient, healthy and secure long-term energy transition by acknowledging that air pollution and climate change are two sides of the same coin, the need to combine technologies to shift to decentralised energy systems, and to enable long term policy visibility to maximize the potential contribution of all renewable fuels.

We believe that the best way forward to reach 2050 targets is to have a mixed technology approach to the transport sector and heating technologies in off-grid homes, businesses and industries. It is the most effective approach to reduce their carbon and air pollutant emissions today and in the future with bioLPG.

RED III: Clarity and consistency are key

In order for the revised Renewable Energy Directive to be successfully implemented, clarity and consistency are needed to ensure all renewable energy sources play their part in achieving climate neutrality.

On the proposed targets, Liquid Gas Europe welcomes the increased general target for the share of energy from renewable sources, and calls upon the European Commission to support the production of renewable gaseous fuels and incentivise its use, in order to ensure competitiveness and ensure consumer choice among all renewable technologies.

Energy taxation as a tool to support fuels with a track record of success

The ‘Fit for 55’ regulatory framework for energy taxation has the ambition to sync taxation with the EU’s climate policy objectives, and for users to switch to cleaner fuels through the creation of price signals. Our industry considers it paramount to acknowledge fuel poverty as a key concern, and calls upon to ensure that the most energy-efficient fuels are less highly taxed, so that they remain accessible and affordable for all.

However, in order for energy taxation to be fully integrated with the rest of the Green Deal, the impact of air pollutant emissions of all energy products should be reflected, in order to further not only environmental but also health and wellbeing gains.