29 Oct 2020

Solar heat and LPG: a perfect decarbonisation match

Today, Solar Heat Europe and Liquid Gas Europe publish joint policy recommendations for reducing the carbon footprint of local heat. The associations promote a mixed technology approach to heating and cooling to facilitate decarbonisation of this sector and to contribute to further deployment of renewables and smart system integration in rural Europe.

Taking into consideration that the EU heating market is twice the size of the electricity one, tangible and fast actions are needed to decarbonise the European heating sector, especially in rural areas.

Solar Heat Europe and Liquid Gas Europe call on European, national, and local policymakers to take a comprehensive approach and focus on the cost-effective modernisation of heating and cooling systems. The replacement of old and inefficient heating and cooling installations should be prioritised. The planned and possibly staged replacement of old and inefficient space and water heating systems with new, efficient and preferably renewable appliances, should be incentivised.

Thanks to LPG condensing boilers, which can seamlessly switch to bioLPG, paired with solar thermal collectors or other renewable heating and cooling applications, Europeans can progressively enjoy a clean, secure, and efficient energy mix.

“Hybrid technologies combining the environmental benefits and reliability of solar thermal heat and bioLPG, present an exciting opportunity for heat generation. Rural areas can be a great example in this context.” said Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe. “By investing in bioLPG, a renewable gas distributed off the grid, and solar thermal heating, Europe can pave the way for the decarbonisation of rural households and further uptake of renewable energy.” added Samuel Maubanc, General Manager of Liquid Gas Europe.

The Renovation Wave hand in hand with the upcoming European legislation should facilitate investments in the transition to sustainable heating solutions in the European Union, in particular, locally generated renewable heating and cooling and renewable gases.

About Solar Heat Europe

Solar Heat Europe, the European solar thermal industry association, strives for the growth of solar heat solutions in Europe through different actions, such as advocating for better regulation or encouraging the EU policy makers to shape a fair context for heating and cooling solutions. With around 40 members in Europe, Solar Heat Europe represents directly or indirectly over 90% of the industry across the value chain.


Pedro Dias, Secretary General,

Alexandra Sutu, Communications Assistant,

About Liquid Gas Europe

Liquid Gas Europe, the European LPG Association, is composed of national LPG associations; the main European LPG suppliers; LPG distributors and equipment manufacturers. With the support of its working groups of industry experts, Liquid Gas Europe is actively involved in concrete initiatives and programs to ensure the sustainable, safe and efficient development of LPG in Europe.


Samuel Maubanc, General Manager,

Malgosia Rybak, Energy and Environment Policy Manager,