19 Oct 2020

Gas grid and alternative energy solutions for a Green Future

December 1st, 2020
9h00 to 12h30 CET

At a time of significant disruption driven by ambitious EU environmental targets and social change, alternative fuel solutions in road transport, and lower-carbon fuels in heating beyond the gas grid are a low hanging fruit. These solutions are indeed already available and affordable in a time of economic recession.

This high-level conference will bring together EU policy makers and stakeholders for a frank discussion on affordable and innovative solutions for the Energy Transition and a green recovery in the EU.

The conference programme includes the following two sessions:

Session 1: Sustainable heating solutions beyond the gas grid

To reach climate neutrality by 2050, Europe must make the best use of all available technologies to decarbonise the economy. There is no time to lose as future-proof solutions must be quickly deployed. Today the European heating and cooling sector represents about 27% of the EU carbon emissions. European rural areas face specific challenges on their pathway to reduce carbon and air pollutant emissions.

Homes, businesses and industries not connected to the gas grid are forced to rely on high-polluting energy sources, such as heating oil and coal. Often due to limited means, their choice of flexible and affordable energy sources is quite limited. So how can European policy champion a cost-effective switch to sustainable heat generation?

 Iskra Mihaylova, Member of the European Parliament
 Emmanuelle Causse, General Secretary, International Union of Property Owners
○ Sophia Haywood, Director of Public Affairs, Liquid Gas UK
 Irene di Padua, Policy Officer, Solar Heat Europe

Session 2: Alternative Fuels in a Post COVID-World

Since the COVID-19 crisis and subsequent lockdowns, many cities around the world experienced a marked improvement in urban air quality, but with easing restrictions, air pollution is now rebounding. And alongside the continued public health crisis, we are now facing an economic recession. Emissions reductions need acceleration, but with the EU economy forecasted to contract by 8.3% in 2020, the ability of countries and companies to invest more resources in ambitious schemes could slow.

Further, consumers may also not have the means to invest in new technologies. In fact, automakers are forecasting a 25% drop in car sales this year. To quickly reduce emissions in road transport, one practical approach is to encourage a higher use of cleaner, alternative fuels that can easily penetrate the market and are compatible with current ICE technology, which will continue to play a significant role in the coming decades.

 Antonio Tricas, Policy Officer, Unit for Sustainable & Intelligent Transport, DG MOVE
 Giovanni Perrell, Senior Energy Advisor at the Energy Directorate, Italian Ministry of Economic Development 
○ Philippe Prevel, Vice President of Alternative Fuels Projects, Groupe Renault 
 Estibaliz Pombo Bares, Alternative Energies Business Development Manager, Repsol