COVID-19 Information Hub – [UPDATED REGULARLY]
The LPG distribution plays a vital role in ensuring essential services are maintained off the gas grid for the benefit of European citizens, rural communities and their economy. Please find Liquid Gas Europe's statement here.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the national LPG associations have been disseminating guiding principles for their members, defined in close collaboration with public health authorities. Further, companies are strictly adhering to national guidance in order to mitigate risk when responding to serve customers and to ensure the safety of their employees.
Please find below a collection of statements from our member associations and companies updated regularly:
National Associations
CFBP (France)
[19/03/2020] (French) La filière reste mobilisée et la livraison de gaz assurée [...]. Link here.
Deutscher Verband Flüssiggas (Germany)
[24/03/2020] (German) Ausgangsbeschränkungen: Flüssiggas zu Hause richtig nutzen und lagern [...]. Link here.
Drivkraft Danmark (Denmark)
[25/03/2020] (Danish) Drivkraft Danmark samler viden om branchens tiltag og forholdsregler i forhold til situationen omkring Coronavirus (COVID-19) på denne side, der løbende opdateres. [...]. Link here.
Liquid Gas UK (United Kingdom)
[26/03/2020] SLPS Amendments in light of COVID-19. Link here.
[25/03/2020] What do the new restrictions announced by the UK Government mean for gas engineering businesses? Link here.
[24/03/2020] WLPGA advice on best practice for filling plant operatives and all working in distribution on how to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. [...]. Link here.
Irish LPG Gas (Ireland)
[31/03/2020] Thousands of households in Ireland, predominantly located in rural areas, rely on the supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in bulk and cylinders to warm their homes, heat their water and cook their meals. [...]. Link here
VVG (The Netherlands)
[31/03/2020] (Dutch) Multilaterale overeenkomst MO 325 en RID 2020-2. Link here.
[24/03/2020] (Dutch) Plan voor uitstel heffing energiebelasting vanwege corona [...]. Link here.
Drivkraft Norge (Norway)
[31/03/2020] Viktig gjennomslag for bransjen. Link here.
[13/03/2020] (Norwegian) Bransjen tar situasjonen på alvor, og følger myndighetenes retningslinjer. Hygienerutiner skjerpes ytterligere inn. [...]. Link here.
Apetro (Portugal)
[23/03/2020] (Portuguese) Sendo a Indústria de refinação e de distribuição e comercialização de combustíveis, GPL e lubrificantes, imprescindíveis à mobilidade e bem estar dos indivíduos, das frotas de distribuição, das forças de segurança, dos bombeiros, [...]. Link here.
Ukrainian LPG Association (Ukraine)
[24/03/2020] (Ukrainian) У Комітеті Верховної Ради з питань фінансів, податкової та митної політики розробили пакет антикризових заходів [...]. Link here.
World LPG Association
[02/04/2020] Covid-19 Advisory. Link here
[20/03/2020] Good Industry Practices – Advisory Notice – Coronavirus LPG Filling Plants and the Distribution Channel Some Precautions to take during the Pandemic [...]. Link here.
AGN Energia
[NEW] [28/04/2020] Gruppo Autogas per l'emergenza Covid-19 Link here
[27/03/2020] Informativa sulle zone colpite dal virus Covid-19. Link here
[23/03/2020] (Italian) Vogliamo rassicurare la clientela che le attività di rifornimento GPL proseguono in maniera regolare in quanto servizi essenziali per la comunità.[...]. Link here.
[02/04/2020] Medical gas valves in the time of Covid-19. Link here.
[20/03/2020] In response to the Coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic, alongside the implementation of previously issued decrees, Cavagna Group is now compliant [...]. Link here.
Hexagon Ragasco
At Hexagon Ragasco we have implemented the following actions to ensure safe and continuous operations [...]. Link here.
IHS Markit
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center on market impact [...]. Link here.
[25/03/2020] We have taken several actions in making sure our suppliers and our staff are well informed how to prevent spreading the virus and how to keep our company operational. [...]. Link here.