09 Feb 2024

2040 Emissions Reduction Target: the vital role of renewable liquid gases

As the European Commission unveiled its 2040 Climate Target Recommendation, Liquid Gas Europe would like to emphasize the importance of maintaining a technology neutral approach when striving for CO2 reduction, and that any pathway to a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions should include a variety of solutions, including renewable liquid gases, such as bioLPG and renewable and recycled carbon DME. The European Union has already achieved a total reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of 32,5% compared to 1990 levels. To achieve the 55% emission reduction target by 2030 and beyond, it will be essential to make sure that all innovative solutions are fully supported. 

Renewable liquid gases can play a key role in the energy transition, especially in rural areas and for mobility solutions, to accelerate the decarbonisation of our society whilst leaving no one behind. They can be ‘dropped-in’ to existing supply chains, and offer a long-term, cost-effective pathway to reduce carbon and air pollutant emissions from hard-to-decarbonise sectors.

The liquid gas industry is committed to providing fully decarbonised energy solutions by 2050, in line with EU climate neutrality goals. Supply for renewable liquid gases will increase with the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and biomethane, which open more availability for European consumers. The liquid gas industry is also developing more on-purpose-production pathways using municipal solid waste and non-food feedstocks. 

As underlined by Climate Action Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra, more needs to be done in the EU to enable businesses and citizens. The necessity to reinforce EU policies on renewable fuels has been acknowledged in the European Court of Auditors’ Special Report “The EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport – an unclear route ahead”, and by Member States, where liquid gases play a crucial role in the day-to-day lives of their citizens and businesses1. For instance, the Italian National Energy and Climate Plan specifically highlights LPG as a key part of their energy mix, and renewable liquid gases, such as bioLPG and renewable and recycled carbon DME, as a viable and necessary fuel for the future. 

“Any legislation that follows the European Commission’s Communication on Europe’s climate target for 2040 is provided with a unique opportunity to strengthen the EU framework on renewable fuels and should resolutely support the production of renewable liquid gases”, says Ewa Abramiuk-Lete, General Manager of Liquid Gas Europe. Renewable liquid gases should be recognised for the role they can play in the decarbonisation of industry, transport and heating in off-grid, rural and outermost regions in the EU for 2040 and beyond.